You may have heard some chatter that St. David’s will be closing – not true!!!
We are not closing, but we hope things are changing in the future.
Over recent years it has become obvious that keeping both of our buildings (the hall and the church) going was getting too financially difficult for us at St. David’s – the hall particularly need a lot of work doing to them.
We are confident in our mission in Eastham, in the ways we work with you, our local community and plan for that to continue – so our buildings need to match our vision for the future and be more sustainable and cost efficient. We’re working with architects and buildings surveyors to look at what is possible – so watch this space!
We’re asking you, our community to help us plan for the future – Please do complete our questionnaire if you can.
If you’d prefer to print it out and fill it in, please send back to the church through the post-box on Crosthwaite Avenue or email it to [email protected]
All information will be kept confidential and your details will not be shared.